16 tenses lengkap

16 tenses lengkap

Tenses adalah salah satu bagian dari part of speech yang paling krusial. Saking krusialnya, para pembelajar bahasa Inggris banyak yang takut sama materi satu ini! Ingin tahu selengkap mungkin tentang formula tenses, rumus, dan contoh kalimatnya? Behold, Kampung Inggris LC mempersembahkan 16 tenses lengkap dengan rumus sekaligus contohnya untukmu.

Simple Present Tense

Simple Present Tense adalah bentuk kalimat yang paling umum dalam bahasa Inggris. Kalimat simple present tidak terikat waktu, sehingga penggunaannya lebih bebas dibanding jenis tenses lainnya.

PositiveVerbalSubject + V1 + (s/es)Dad works hard every day
NominalSubject + is/am/are + nominalShe is more beautiful than usual
NegativeVerbalSubject + don’t/doesn’t + V1I don’t know what to say to her
NominalSubject + is/am/are + not + nominalThey aren’t as bad as you think
InterrogativeVerbalDo/Does + Subject + V1 + ?Does he know about this?
NominalIs/Am/Are + Subject + nominal + ?Are you better than yesterday?


Simple Past Tense

Simple past tense sama sederhananya dengan simple present, akan tetapi simple past tense sudah terikat dengan waktu lampau. Saat kamu bicara menggunakan simple past tense, itu berarti peristiwa yang kamu ceritakan sudah terjadi di masa lalu.

PositiveVerbalSubject + V2She drove to the town solely
NominalSubject + was/were + nominalYou were glad to meet him
NegativeVerbalSubject + didn’t + V1She didn’t drive to the town solely
NominalSubject + was/were + not + nominalYou weren’t glad to meet him
InterrogativeVerbalDid + Subject + V1 + ?Did she drive to the town solely?
NominalWas/were + Subject + nominal + ?Were you glad to meet him?

Simple Future Tense

Simple future tense adalah bentuk tenses yang bisa kamu pakai buat menjelaskan hal yang akan terjadi di masa depan,  LCers.

PositiveVerbalSubject + will + V1You will know sooner or later
NominalSubject + will + be + nominalHenry will be the champion today
NegativeVerbalSubject + won’t + V1You won’t know till you’ve tried
NominalSubject + won’t + be + nominalShe won’t be the model
InterrogativeVerbalWill + Subject + V1 + ?Will the police come on time?
NominalWill + Subject + be + nominal + ?Will she become a nurse soon?

Simple Past Future Tense

Nah, simple past future tense adalah bagian pertama dari rangkaian empat bentuk “future in the past”. FYI, yang dimaksud future in the past adalah kejadian yang seharusnya terjadi, tapi tidak atau belum terjadi. Simple past future tense bisa kamu pakai untuk menjelaskan sesuatu yang seharusnya terjadi, seandainya ada faktor lain yang tidak berubah.

PositiveVerbalSubject + should/would + bare infinitiveSarah should go to the hospital
NominalSubject + was/were + going to + bare infinitiveHe would be a writer
NegativeVerbalSubject + should/would + not + bare infinitiveSarah should not go to the hospital
NominalSubject + was/were + not + going to + bare infinitiveHe wouldn’t be a writer
InterrogativeVerbalShould/would + subject + bare infinitive + ?Should Sarah go to the hospital?
NominalWas/were + subject + going to + bare infinitive + ?Would he be a writer?

Present Continuous Tense

Continuous tense adalah jenis kalimat yang digunakan untuk menerangkan sesuatu yang sedang dalam proses dilakukan. Oleh karena “proses” yang masih berjalan tersebut, continuous tense disebut juga progressive tense.

Sementara itu, present continuous tense adalah bentuk kalimat yang bisa kamu gunakan untuk menjelaskan sesuatu yang sedang dalam proses dilakukan.

PositiveVerbalSubject + is/am/are + VingShe is playing a kite
NominalSubject + is/am/are + nominalFajar is a college student
NegativeVerbalSubject + is/am/are + not + VingShe is not playing a kite
NominalSubject + is/am/are + not + nominalFajar isn’t a college student
InterrogativeVerbalIs/Am/Are + Subject + Ving + ?Is she playing a kite?
NominalIs/Am/Are + Subject + nominal + ?Is Fajar a college student?

Past Continuous Tense

Dengan memakai past continuous tense, kamu bisa menerangkan sesuatu yang terjadi di masa lalu. Misalnya begini nih, kemarin saudaramu menelpon saat kamu sedang makan. Kalau dibahasa-Inggriskan, kalimat tersebut bisa menjadi “You were eating when your brother called yesterday”.

PositiveVerbalSubject + was/were + VingThey were trying a new road
NominalSubject + was/were + nominalAlea was afraid of the dark
NegativeVerbalSubject + was/were + not + VingThey weren’t trying a new road
NominalSubject + was/were + nominalAlea wasn’t afraid of the dark
InterrogativeVerbalWas/were + Subject + Ving + ?Were they trying a new road?
NominalWas/were + Subject + nominal + ?Was Alea afraid of the dark?

Future Continuous Tense

Misalnya kamu ditanyai “apa yang akan kamu lakukan besok jam 9 pagi?”, lalu kamu menjawab “sedang mengikuti pelajaran Sejarah (sejak jam 8 sampai 10 pagi)”. Itu berarti jawabanmu itu memiliki bentuk future continuous tense.

Singkatnya, future continuous tense adalah bentuk tenses yang bisa dipakai untuk mengekspresikan peristiwa yang akan dalam proses di masa depan.

PositiveVerbalSubject + will + be + VingI will be going to the school tomorrow, Nanda
NominalSubject + will + being + nominalShe will being a hero the day after tomorrow
NegativeVerbalSubject + will + not + be + VingI won’t be going to the school tomorrow, Nanda
NominalSubject + will + not + being + nominalShe won’t being a hero the day after tomorrow
InterrogativeVerbalWill + Subject + be + Ving + ?Will I be going to the school tomorrow, Nanda?
NominalWill + Subject + being + nominal + ?Will she being a hero the day after tomorrow

Past Future Continuous Tense

Past future continuous tense adalah bentuk kalimat kedua dalam seri “future in the past” setelah simple past future tense. Past future continuous biasanya digunakan untuk mengekspresikan sesuatu yang mungkin sedang terjadi di masa lalu seandainya terjadi sesuatu yang lain.

PositiveVerbalSubject + would + be + VingWe would be coming to your house if you were at home
NominalSubject + would + being + nominalMy son would being the actor if he wasn’t sick
NegativeVerbalSubject + would + not + be + VingWe would not be coming to your house if you were at home
NominalSubject + would + not + being + nominalMy son would not being the actor if he wasn’t sick
InterrogativeVerbalWould + Subject + be + Ving + ?Would we be coming to your house if you were at home?
NominalWould + Subject + being + nominal + ?Would my son being the actor if he wasn’t sick?

Present Perfect Tense

Present perfect tense adalah kalimat yang bisa kamu pakai untuk menjelaskan sesuatu yang sudah terjadi di masa sekarang. Jika past tense digunakan hanya untuk menjelaskan bahwa sebuah peristiwa terjadi di masa lalu, perfect tense digunakan untuk menegaskan sebuah peristiwa benar-benar sudah terjadi di masa lalu.

PositiveVerbalSubject + has/have + V3I have done the task earlier
NominalSubject + has/have + been + nominalShe has been a good doctor for the girl a while ago
NegativeVerbalSubject + has/have + not + V3I haven’t done the task earlier
NominalSubject + has/have + not + been + nominalShe hasn’t been a good doctor for the girl a while ago
InterrogativeVerbalHas/have + Subject + V3 + ?Have I done the task earlier?
NominalHas/have + Subject + been + nominal + ?Has she been a good doctor for the girl a while ago?

Past Perfect Tense

Past perfect tense biasa digunakan untuk menegaskan sesuatu sudah terjadi, tapi di masa lalu. Bentuk kalimat ini bisa kamu gunakan saat seseorang meminta kepastian tentang sesuatu yang sudah kamu lakukan di masa lalu.

PositiveVerbalSubject + had + V3Ricko had finished his homework yesterday
NominalSubject + had + been + nominalI had been the teacher some years ago
NegativeVerbalSubject + had + not + V3Ricko hadn’t finished his homework yesterday
NominalSubject + had + not + been + nominalI hadn’t been the teacher some years ago
InterrogativeVerbalHad + Subject + V3 + ?Had Ricko finished his homework yesterday?
NominalHad + Subject + been + nominal + ?Had I been the teacher some years ago?

Future Perfect Tense

Future perfect tense bisa kamu gunakan untuk menerangkan sesuatu yang akan sudah kamu selesaikan di masa depan. Misalnya kamu ditanyai apakah tugasmu sudah selesai besok, kamu bisa menjawab pertanyaan tersebut dalam bentuk future perfect tense.

PositiveVerbalSubject + will + have + V3I will have finished the cleaning in 4 hours
NominalSubject + will + have + been + nominalThe students will have been graduates in some months
NegativeVerbalSubject + will + not + have + V3I won’t have finished the cleaning in 4 hours
NominalSubject + will + not + have + been + nominalThe students won’t have been graduates in some months
InterrogativeVerbalWill + subject + have + V3 + ?Will I have finished the cleaning in 4 hours?
NominalWill + subject + have + been + nominal + ?Will the students have graduated in some months?

Past Future Perfect Tense

Dengan menggunakan kalimat bentuk ini, kamu bisa menyatakan sesuatu yang benar-benar akan terjadi tapi tidak terjadi. Anyway, past future perfect tense adalah bentuk kalimat future in the past yang paling mutlak.

PositiveVerbalSubject + should/would + have + V3He would’ve done the tasks if he wasn’t going to the cinema
NominalSubject + should/would + have + been + nominalI should’ve been a soldier but I was failed
NegativeVerbalSubject + should/would + not + have + V3He wouldn’t have done the tasks if he wasn’t going to the cinema
NominalSubject + should/would + not + have + been + nominalI shouldn’t have been a soldier but I was failed
InterrogativeVerbalShould/would + subject + have + V3 + ?Would he done the tasks if he wasn’t going to the cinema?
NominalShould/would + subject + have + been + nominal + ?Should I have been a soldier if I was failed?

Present Perfect Continuous Tense

Present perfect continuous tense biasanya digunakan untuk menerangkan sesuatu yang sudah dilakukan dan masih dilakukan hingga sekarang

PositiveVerbalSubject + has/have + been + Ving + since/forMom has been working there since 2006
NominalSubject + has/have + been + being + nominal + since/forShe has been being a director since 2 years ago
NegativeVerbalSubject + has/have + not + been + Ving + since/forMom hasn’t been working there since 2006
NominalSubject + has/have + not + been + being + nominal + since/forShe hasn’t been being a director since 2 years ago
InterrogativeVerbalHas/have + subject + been + Ving + since/for + ?Has Mom been working there since 2006?
NominalHas/have + subject + been + being + nomina + since/for?Has she been being a director since 2 years ago?

Past Perfect Continuous Tense

Past perfect continuous  tense adalah bentuk kalimat untuk menjelaskan sesuatu yang sudah dan masih dilakukan di masa lalu

PositiveVerbalSubject + had + been + Ving + since/forI had been pushing the door for 35 minutes
NominalSubject + had + been + being + nominal + since/forThey had been being the choir since 2012
NegativeVerbalSubject + had + not + been + Ving + since/forI hadn’t been pushing the door for 35 minutes
NominalSubject + had + not + been + being + nominal + since/forThey hadn’t been being the choir since 2012
InterrogativeVerbalHad + subject + been + Ving + since/for + ?Had I been pushing the door for 35 minutes?
NominalHad + subject + been + being + nomina + since/for?Had they been being the choir since 2012?

Future Perfect Continuous Tense

Ayo main contoh-contohan lagi nih buat memahami future perfect continuous tense. Misalnya kamu sedang janjian dengan temanmu untuk ke bioskop, tapi temanmu telat 30 menit. Saat ditanyai apa yang kamu lakukan, kamu bisa menjawab “aku sudah mulai menonton film 30 menit lalu”.

Simpelnya, future perfect continuous bisa kamu pakai buat mengekspresikan peristiwa yang telah dan dalam proses kamu lakukan di masa depan.

PositiveVerbalSubject + will + have + been + Ving + since/forI will have been watching the TV since Felice come
NominalSubject + will + have + been + being + nominal + since/forShe will have been being a doctor since 2016
NegativeVerbalSubject + will + not + have + been + Ving + since/forI won’t have been watching the TV since Felice come
NominalSubject + will + not + have + been + being + nominal + since/forShe won’t have been being a doctor since 2016
InterrogativeVerbalWill + subject + have + been + Ving + since/for?Will I have been watching the TV since Felice come?
NominalWill + subject + have + been + being + nominal + since/for?Will she have been being a doctor since 2016?

Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense

Kalimat ini mirip dengan bentuk tenses sebelumnya, yaitu future perfect continuous, tapi terjadinya di masa lalu. Past future perfect continuous tense adalah bentuk kalimat future in the past yang tertinggi, tapi to tell you the truth, jarang digunakan.

PositiveVerbalSubject + would/should + have + been + Ving + since/forI would have been watching the TV since Felice came
NominalSubject + would/should + have + been + being + nominal + since/forShe would have been being a doctor since 2016
NegativeVerbalSubject + would/should + not + have + been + Ving + since/forI wouldn’t have been watching the TV since Felice came
NominalSubject + would/should + not + have + been + being + nominal + since/forShe wouldn’t has been being a doctor since 2016
InterrogativeVerbalWould/should + subject + have + been + Ving + since/for + ?Would I have been watching the TV since Felice came?
NominalWould/should + subject + have + been + being + nominal + since/for?Would she have been being a doctor since 2016?


Itulah penjelasan lengkap dan detail tentang 16 tenses disertai rumusnya, LCers. Kalau kamu mau belajar tenses lebih giat lagi, kamu bisa langsung datang ke Kampung Inggris Pare ya, ingat ke Kampung Inggris LC langsung!

Kalau belum sempat kursus ke sini, kamu bisa belajar otodidak dulu melalui situs Kampung Inggris LC ini ya, langsung aja klik: Perbedaan Which dan That dalam Clauses


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