
Gerund terkadang menjadi momok bagi para pembelajar bahasa Inggris, dikarenakan cukup sulitnya memprediksi kata gerund dalam sebuah kalimat. Namun sejatinya, kata gerund mudah untuk diidentifikasikan, jika sudah paham mengenai gerund.


Apa Itu Gerund?

Mari kita refresh otak kita tentang gerund. Gerund adalah kata kerja yang berfungsi sebagai kata benda, dimana kata kerja ini mendapat tambahan –ing. Namun, terkadang gerund sering tertukar dengan present participle.

Cara membedakannya cukup mudah, lihat kata kerja yang mendapat tambahan –ing, jika berfungsi sebagai kata benda berarti gerund. Sementara jika berfungsi sebagai pengubah atau pelengkap pada progressive verbs (bentuk continous tense), berarti itu merupakan present participle.

Gerund sendiri memiliki berbagai fungsi. Dapat berfungsi sebagai objek, subjek, serta complement. Penggunaannya pun beragam, yaitu after some verbs, after prepositions, in some fixed expressions, dan some verbs can use either the ‘to do’ or the ‘ing’ form.

Gerund diletakkan setelah preposisi dan juga berperan sebagai objek. Coba baca sekilas tentang Gerund as Object sebelum membahas Gerund setelah preposisi.

Nah, di bawah ini, kita akan membahas mengenai gerund after preposition atau gerund setelah preposisi. Berikut penjelasannya:

Pengertian Gerund after preposition

Di awal kita sudah membahas mengenai pengertian gerund. Pada bahasan kali ini, kita akan membahas mengenai gerund after preposition. Preposition sendiri berarti kata penunjuk yang memiliki fungsi untuk menjelaskan waktu, keberadaan suatu benda, tempat, posisi, dan lainnya.

Kata “after, on, until, berfore, among, dan inside”, merupakan sebagian kecil dari preposisi yang digunakan dalam kalimat. Jadi dapat disimpulkan bahwa gerund after preposition yaitu kata benda dari hasil pembentukan verb + ing yang berada setelah preposisi.

Contoh Gerund after preposition

You have to finish all this noodle before leaving this restaurant


Gerund after preposition memiliki ciri dalam kalimatnya, yaitu menggunakan kata preposisi. Di bawah ini disajikan contoh – contoh gerund after preposition:

  1. We have to finish all task before leaving.
  2. You have to eat all this noodle before leaving this restaurant.
  3. You are used to speaking loudly.
  4. I am not tired of reading comic all day long.
  5. Thank you for coming today.
  6. Are you interested in learning Japanese?
  7. I object to signing this book.
  8. We talked about going to Raja Ampat.
  9. She is accustomed to sleeping late on the Friday night.
  10. I am looking forward to hearing good news.
  11. These are used for cracking.
  12. Before going out she turned off the AC.
  13. I passed the exam by remembering my note.
  14. I am tired of arguing with you.
  15. Before going to home, I buy some food for my family.

Kata to, before, of, by, yang ada di dalam kalimat termasuk dalam preposition. Sehingga harus diikuti oleh gerund. Untuk preposition “to”, ada empat kata yang harus diikuti oleh gerund, diantaranya: be accustomed to, object to, be looking forward to, dan be used to.

Jenis Gerund after preposition Beserta Contohnya

Gerund after preposition dibagi menjadi tiga jenis, diantaranya:

1. Gerund yang Diletakkan Langsung setelah Preposisi

Jenis gerund ini diletakkan setelah kata preposisi. Preposisi yang dimaksud antara lain: in spite of, after, without, besides, before, for, from, dan by.

Contoh gerund yang diletakkan langsung setelah preposisi:

  1. You can get special voucher by making a purchase minimum Rp 450.000.
  2. I have studied hard before having the test.
  3. After waking up, she always wash her face.
  4. I decide to buy some fruit before visiting my grandparents.
  5. Check your belongings before leaving the train.
  6. I always do some warm up before exercising.
  7. By practicing, you can do it well.
  8. In spite of working until late night, he still can’t finish his tasks.
  9. In spite of telling the truth, the police still not believe him.
  10. Without asking anybody’s help, she can push that heavy box by herself.
  11. I feel beauty without applying any make up.
  12. Besides drawing, Helen is also good in cooking.
  13. Miura has freelance job besides working in bank.
  14. From baking cake to pie, Nicole is so good at it.
  15. The goal for holding this charity is for helping the poor people.

2. Gerund yang Diletakkan setelah Adjective + Preposition

I’m afraid of being alone at night

Beberapa preposisi menjadi satu kesatuan dengan adjective. Selain itu, bisa juga diikuti dengan gerund setelahnya.

Contoh gerund yang diletakkan setelah adjective dan preposition:

  1. I’m afraid of being alone at night.
  2. Daisy is bad at cooking traditional food.
  3. Heydi is excellent in performing some jazz music.
  4. This cookies shop is famous for giving a good service to the customers.
  5. Juilliard is good at dancing and everybody likes his performance.
  6. Johny is interested in working as an supervisor in my company.
  7. I am sick of meeting you everyday.
  8. Molly is tired of complaining about the product she buy in the market.
  9. Norman is worried about getting enlisted into the company.

Kata yang dicetak tebal merupakan gerund yang diletakkan setelah adjective dan preposition.

3.  Gerund yang Diletakkan setelah Verb + Preposition

Beberapa verb dan preposition yang sering diikuti dengan gerund diantaranya:

  1. Cloe apologize for doing that fraudulence.
  2. Jordan is being blamed for buying the wrong cinema ticket.
  3. She needs to concentrate on reading this journal.
  4. I congratulates him for getting the campion in the Science Olympics.
  5. Cassey will consider about buying a new car next month.
  6. I dream about achieving my goals.
  7. My sister insists on buying new bike.
  8. This cafe specializes in making creative coffee art.
  9. We need to stop Melissa from cheating in the class.
  10. She is succeeded in persuading Josh to not truant.
  11. She is talking about maintaining a good relationship with neighbour.
  12. Miller is worry about missing the train.

Kata yang dicetak tebal dan miring adalah verb dan preposition yang sering diikuti dengan gerund.

4.  Gerund yang Diletakkan setelah Noun + Preposition

Noun dan preposition yang diikuti oleh gerund diantaranya kata: chance for, difficulty in, excuse for, habit of, hope of, idea for, importance of, interest in, method of, possibillity of, reason for.


  1. Andy has no interest in talking with Imelda because he hates her.
  2. Tommy has a higher possibillity of being accepted in that favourite school.
  3. Rose has a hope of seeing the man she crush on.

Kata yang dicetak tebal adalah noun dan preposition yang diikuti oleh gerund.

Sekian penjelasan mengenai gerund after perposition, selamat belajar!


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