Testimoni kampung inggris pare

Testimoni kampung inggris lc fitriaa

Language center is good course for me. As long as i have studied in language center i feel so happy cause the learning method taught very helpful and easy to understand. In here i got a lot of new friend. I also have many experience in here.

About study method, is easy to understand and get the knowledge. About the Pronunciation i get the many experience also, lesson how to pronun vowels and consonants it really fun. The fav part it’s pronun tongue twister.

I have a lot of tutor. My best is Mr. Priski, he’s teaching grammar section 1, he’s talk active person.

Thank you Language center for improve my skill.

LC make everyone speak?

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Cerita dari Fitria Pamularsih

Testimoni kampung inggris lc fitria1

Baca juga cerita lainnya yuk guys, salah satunya ada cerita dari Winnie Amelia asal Bandung.


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