Testimoni kampung inggris

Testimoni kampung inggris

Language Center is very good for me. As long as I have studied in Language Center, I feel so happy because the learning method taught very helpful and easy to understand. In here I get a lot of new friend very friendly and good, not just friends but as family in my life. I also have many experience here.

About study method, I like it because make me easy to get knowledge. About the grammar with I don’t know before, but after studied in Language Center I can get a lot of lesson.

I have a lot tutor, my best tutor is Miss Syifa Fadhillah @syifadlillahshe was very good, smart, kind, and very beautiful ? .

I hope I can study at Language Center again in my next holiday.

Belajar Bahasa Inggris ya ke @kampunginggrislc inggris lc aja, dijamin seru…!!!

“LC We Are Not Friend But We Are Family”

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Meygita Margaretha Tampubolon


Cerita lain yang bisa juga kamu baca dan pastinya gak kalah seru adalah cerita dari Silvia Erdianti asal Palopo.


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