Testimoni kampung inggris

Testimoni kampung inggris

Hello, my name Sani Saniya, you can call me Sania, I am from E.M 23 H.

LC is amazing, learning English in LC is fun, because besides we learn English I also learn the meaning of socializing and being able to meet friends and classmates who are funny.

The learning atmosphere is very comfortable, the learning method is not boring!! And my favorite tutor is Mr. Tama from L.A ( LAMPUNG) ? @priatamacdi.

Because I like him from his very arrogant way of speaking ???? damn! That sucks ?(but we like it)?.
I love to learn here, my classmate, my teacher, and of course my roomates make me comfortable to stay here

One thing that makes me lazy is when our morning class has to memorize vocabularry, Oh My Goodnes!! That makes me lazy ?. But it makes me better to increase my knowledge.

My first impression of entering the LC was first confused, but after a few days I tried to hang out with other friends here. The more here I get closer to friends.At the camp, I have to use English if not, we will get points, And I think it’s very annoying. But that’s how to speak my English better than before, because whatever we are going to talk about we have to find out first in the way to talk dictionary. I think after completing this English master I want to add another six months to further strengthen my English, Because my goal of entering LC is to be able to speak using English properly and correctly..

LC-Makes Everyone Speak ?

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Kampung Inggris LC memang menjadi tempat belajar bahasa inggris yang paling tepat. Seperti kata Sani Saniya asal Lampung ini. Jadi udah deh gak perlu ragu lagi untuk memilih Kampung Inggris LC !!!

Testimoni kampung inggris

Mau bukti lain? ini ada cerita dari Alvina Salsabila Amnur asal Tangerang yang bisa bikin kamu gak mau nunggu lebih lama lagi untuk belajar di Kampung Inggris LC.


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