Liburan Ceria

1. I don't want to go to Max's party. ...I don't want to see Max with his new girlfriend

Correct! Wrong!

2. I really like Shawn Mendes. ..., I think I'm in love with him and want to be his wife

Correct! Wrong!

3. If we keep using papers, we will continue to cut more trees and evoke the global warming. ..., it's still difficult for us to adapt to the other alternative material

Correct! Wrong!

4. Indonesia is one of the countries with the highest unemployment rate. ..., our government is planning to revise some regulations to provide more job vacancies

Correct! Wrong!

5. Language Center Pare is the best English course in Indonesia, .... in East Java

Correct! Wrong!

6. ... to the flood problem, we need to rise up a national campaign to reduce wastes in our country

Correct! Wrong!

7. There are thousands of universities in Indonesia. ..., the skill gap among the university graduates remains high

Correct! Wrong!

8. ...Indonesia finally won over England in Surabaya, the 10 November tragedy had demanded 16000 lives of fighters from Indonesia

Correct! Wrong!

9. Illegal hunting will make all endangered animals become extinct. ..., we need to make stronger regulation to prevent it to happen

Correct! Wrong!

10. Undergraduate students must be willing to learn as many skills as they could. ..., they will lose easily on the competition to get a job after graduation

Correct! Wrong!

Kamu masih belum benar-benar paham ya 🙁
Tapi nggak apa-apa, it's okay, kamu bisa belajar lagi. Coba dilihat lagi materi di atas ya, LCers 😉
Oke, ayo belajar lebih keras lagi! 😉
Ini bukan nilai yang bagus, tapi at least kamu udah berusaha. Coba dibaca-baca lagi ya materi di atas, diperhatikan lagi materi yang belum kamu pahami 🙂
Siap, sedikit lagi!!! 😀
Wah, nilai kamu lumayan nih, berarti udah cukup paham dong. Tapi jangan berhenti di sini ya, terus asah kemampuanmu supaya bisa dapat nilai sempurna. Kamu udah hebat banget kok, tapi yuk sekarang jadi lebih hebat lagi 😀
Kerja bagus!
Bagus banget nilai kamu nih, pinter banget sih xD. Oke, ini membuktikan kamu sudah paham betul materi ini. Jangan lupa share nilaimu yang bagus ini ke teman-teman ya 😀
KAMU. KEREN. BANGET. YOU. ARE. AWESOME. AF. Selamat, kami berhasil menyelesaikan kuis bahasa Inggris ini dengan sempurna. Jangan berhenti di sini ya, terus melangkah ke level selanjutnya. Jangan lupa share nilai ini ke teman-teman kamu, biar mereka semangat mengejar kecerdasan kamu 🙂

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