Dialog perkenalan diri dalam Bahasa Inggris singkat perlu diajarkan karena itu adalah salah satu etika dasar yang wajib dipahami dalam bersosialisasi dan bertemu dengan banyak orang baru.
Dialog Perkenalan Diri dalam Bahasa Inggris Singkat
Perkenalan diri sering kali dimulai dengan sapaan “Hi”, “Hello”, “Excuse me”, “Good morning”, dan lain sebagainya. Kemudian selanjutnya diikuti dengan pertanyaan dasar atau meminta waktu untuk berbicara. Bisa juga langsung memperkenalkan diri ke orang yang diajak bicara.
Contoh Dialog
Supaya kamu lebih paham dan mudah dalam belajar Bahasa Inggris, simak beberapa contoh dialog perkenalan diri dalam Bahasa Inggris singkat di bawah ini:
Contoh 1:
Andy: Hi! What’s your name?
Brian: Hi, my name is Brian, and you are?
Andy: My name is Andy.
Brian: Nice to meet you, Andy.
Andy: Thanks, nice to meet you too.
Contoh 2:
Charlotte: Excuse me, is this space occupied?
Dicky: No, it’s okay. I am Dicky.
Charlotte: Hi, Dicky, I am Charlotte, nice to meet you.
Dicky: Nice to meet you too.
Contoh 3:
Ethan: Good morning, I am Ethan. Have we met yesterday?
Fran: I don’t think so. Anyway, good morning, I am Fran.
Ethan: How do you do?
Fran: I am working around this place. Do you stay near here?
Ethan: Yes, I am in that apartment in 3rd floor.
Fran: Me too! We should in touch again, then. Well, I think I should go now. See you later!
Ethan: Sure, have a nice day, and see you again!
Contoh 4:
Gibson: Good morning. Let me introduce myself. I am Gibson.
Hillary: Morning! I am Hillary, it’s nice to meet you. I think we are in the same class, don’t we?
Gibson: Yes, I saw you too. What is that book? Do you like cooking?
Hillary: You are correct. Seems like you like cooking too.
Gibson: Of course I do. We have something in common. Maybe we can cook together later since I am busy riht now. See you!
Hillary: That’s great! All right, see you!
Contoh 5:
Inaki: Hi, I am Inaki. Are you Mr. Jared? I am here to pick you up.
Jared: Yes, I am Jared. Thank you very much. How are you?
Inaki: I am doing good, thank you. How was your trip?
Jared: It was fun. Are we going to the hotel first before continue the agenda?
Inaki: Yes, that’s the schedule. Shall we go now?
Jared: Let’s go, it’s nice to meet you.
Inaki: Nice to meet you to, Sir!
Contoh 6:
Kenta: Hi, I am Kenta.
Luffy: Hi, I am Luffy. Are you from here?
Kenta: I am from Kyoto. Things are going different here.
Luffy: Do you like in here?
Kenta: It’s not so long since I came here, but I found the people here are so kind.
Luffy: Absolutely, and I think you are a fun person too, but I have to go now. We should meet again someday.
Kenta: Of course, see you again soon.
Contoh 7:
Mona: Hi, can I get the seat?
Noni: Yes, please. My name is Noni. Where are you going?
Mona: Thank you, my name is Mona. I am going to the college.
Noni: Me too. Are you going to Bogor?
Mona: Yes, that’s correct. Are we from the same college?
Noni: I think so, because you seem familiar to me. Anyway, it’s nice to meet you here.
Mona: Nice to meet you too. Maybe we can hangout together next time.
Noni: Sounds good to me.
Contoh 8:
Ohara: Hi, my name is Ohara, nice to meet you.
Pedro: Nice to meet you too. I am Pedro. I have heard about you from the boss.
Ohara: Thank you very much. I hope we can do this job together.
Pedro: Yes, of course. It’s such a pleasure to work with you.
Contoh 9:
Queen: Hi, my name is Queen. I will be a new cashier here.
Ricky: Hi, I am Ricky, your supervisor. I hope we can do the job together properly.
Queen: Sure, I am looking forward to work together with you. Nice to meet you.
Ricky: Nice to meet you too.
Contoh 10:
Sam: Hi, my name is Sam. I am waiting for my friend. May I sit here for a while?
Tim: Yes, please. My name is Tim, nice to meet you.
Sam: Nice to meet you too. Are you living around here?
Tim: No, I am from Yogyakarta.
Sam: Wow, my friend is from Yogyakarta too. Maybe you know him.
Tim: It’s interesting. Maybe I should wait and see.
Sam: Sounds good to me.
Temukan lebih banyak contoh dialog perkenalan diri dalam Bahasa Inggris singkat dengan mengunjungi website https://kampungInggrispare.info/. Semoga ulasan mengenai contoh dialog perkenalan diri dalam bahasa Inggris singkat bisa memberikan bermanfaat!